Carol Lake Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Pdf

Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia [Carol L. Lake MD, Peter D. Booker MD MB BS] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Crack Or Serial Number Origin 8.5. Long established as the #1.
• 1 Angus McEwan, A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 2009, 331 • 2 Peter D. Winch, Lisa Nicholson, Janet Isaacs, Steven Spanos, Vincent Olshove, Aymen Naguib, Predictors of Successful Early Extubation Following Congenital Cardiac Surgery in Neonates and Infants, Heart, Lung and Circulation, 2009, 18, 4, 271 • 3 RAMON VILA, CLAUDIA MARHUENDA, ARTURO GONCALVES, JUAN M. GIL-JAURENA, MARC PELLICER, MARIA C. SUESCUM, LLUIS MIRO, Epidural analgesia in the surgery of congenital tracheal stenosis: slide tracheoplasty on cardiopulmonary bypass, Pediatric Anesthesia, 2006, 16, 6, 693 • 4 Robert H. Friesen, Andrew S.
Veit, David J. Archibald, Rafael S. Campanini, A comparison of remifentanil and fentanyl for fast track paediatric cardiac anaesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, 2003, 13, 2, 122 • 5 Steven H. Cray, Helen M. Holtby, Vyas M. Kartha, Peter N. Lawrence Roy, Early tracheal extubation after paediatric cardiac surgery: the use of propofol to supplement low-dose opioid anaesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, 2001, 11, 4, 465 • 6 Lara S.
Shekerdemian, Daniel J. Penny, William Novick, Early extubation after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot, Cardiology in the Young, 2000, 10, 06.
This is Carol Lake's fourth edition of Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia but the first edition for which she has partnered with Peter D. Booker from the United Kingdom as coeditor, which gives the textbook a fresh, new appeal compared with the 1998 third edition. In addition to a new editor from across the Atlantic, multiple new authors have been added, many from outside the United States, which provides a more international flavor to the book.