Constellation Admin Skin

Why are Admin Panels so Important? Web administrators and web designers don’t realize how important admin panels are until they starting using one of the best admin panels available. Using the wrong type of admin panel can have an impact on productivity and results. What people fail to realize is admin panels are just as important as the functionality of the website and project itself. Installing the right type of fully customized admin panel will lead to an overall increase productivity. Most people don’t know what they are missing until they switch and start using one of the best CP templates on the Internet.

Admin panels should be easy-to-use, but advanced enough to allow web administrators the ability oversee every aspect of a website and project. Human Geography Notes Pdf. Admin panels are supposed to make administering a website or project easy not difficult. With over 100+ themes to choose from, why settle for less than the best? Here’s a list of the best sold admin templates from Themeforest: 1) The most sold ‘Admin Template’ from Themeforest, Simpla Admin is a professional template with a beautiful and user friendly interface.
With various smart and intuitive jQuery functions, navigating the interface is a breeze. It utilizes very few plugin scripts (most functions are hand coded) so the code is very lightweight and easy to manage/modify. Features include. • Accordion Main Menu • Modal window on any element • Closable Notifications with smooth animation • Large, visual shortcut buttons • CSS Files, HTML Files, JS Files, Layered PSD 2) Complete Liquid Admin Control Panel is a complex Liquid admin template that contains a login page as well as a modular content page that includes all the elements you could possible need in your Admin Panel. You’re able to generate any required page from these elements. Liquid as oposed to a fixed size means all the screen real-estate is used in the most efficient manner possible and also eliminates compatibility issues with non-standard, very low or very high screen resolutions.
Features include. • Mobile Version Included • Detailed Documentation • 2 Background Colors: Light and Dark 4) Flexible to house any kind of application, Admintasia is a complete backend administration user interface that loads last, it’s intuitive and easy to use, it uses only three small images and it also looks good. Having a customizable layout, you can divide the main content area into one big box and two small ones, or three smaller one, or two big ones.
The premium version of Admintasia includes sliders, flexigrids, accordions, modal video, and many other nice features. [standard] [premium] 5) Adminus is a stylish – HTML & CSS – admin panel template ready to be implemented as a back-end interface of your application. The template uses smart jQuery scripts and effects and degrades gracefully if JavaScript is disabled. Comes in 3 premade skins (blue, green and red) and with the included.PSD you can style it in any colors. • Date picker • Sortable tables • Custom select form element • Fancy modal boxes • Stylish notifications with nice fade in and fade out effect • Image preloading • Custom font with @font-face • 3 premade skins – Blue, Green and Red • Easy skin customization with the provided PSD files 6) Having a modern looking design, easy to use user interface (UI) and cool user experience (UX), this simple and stylish administration template has clean & professional code using the latest web standards optimized for fast loading, accessibility, semantics and so on. The well commented code allows you to understand and modify your Boxie Admin as you’ll want. The template comes with 7 color variants: Blue, Black, Red, Brown, Green, Orange and Purple. 7) Having a clean and simple style template, Profi Admin’s complexity and expandability goes beyond expectations.
Constellation Admin Skin main colors. A guest Oct 6th, 2011 699 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Raw download clone. Constellation Admin Skin main colors. A guest Oct 6th, 2011 699 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Raw download clone.
The big visual menu creates the intuitive navigation while the tabbed and the hidden submenu expands the structure to 3 menu levels: • Large & iconized Main Menu – with blend effect on hover. • Tabbed menu • Hidden “More” menu (Click on More Submenus link in the tabbed menu for a demo) Inspired by the WordPress Administration layout. Features include. • Custom modal popups • Form validation • Styled forms, headings and tables • 6 color variations • Well commented code The template includes 4 sample pages: “Login page”, “Dashboard”, “File management” and “Product management”. 11) UltraAdmin is an advanced cross-browser compatible, very stylish, yet easy to use administration panel template. It includes 4 color schemes (skins): the very hot aurora graphic skin, white, blue and dark skins. The control panel is divided in a login page and two content pages that includes all the the elements you could possibly need in your admin.