
Dota Ai Maps Latest Version

Dota 6.81 AI and DotA 6.81b AI map now available. And people are starting to search for the latest AI map. Those maps are the unofficial version. Dota 6.85 AI Map Download News and Update. DotA 6.85k RGC has just released and I bet many players are now looking for the AI version of DotA 6.85 map. Norton Internet Security 180 Days Trial.

Dota Ai Maps Latest

Download the map file (with.w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III Maps Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map. Bot Game Perfect World Indonesia Server.

DotA 6.78c AI Features • Ported changes to IceFrog's DotA 6.78c • All heroes and skills now work properly. • -cn mode has been updated to show professional player names. • AI stuck bug is fixed • AI's now use not more than 2 couriers • Code optimizations to decrease file size and improve stability • AI's get automatically get Gold Boost after 25 Levels. Anonymous said. Dota ai 6.78c BUGS: 1)when -scmc enabled, some of the sentinel supercreeps just stay in the base, they don't move (particularly the ancient hydra & the siege golem) except when attacked by the scourge, giving the scourge an advantage. 2) when -st enabled & medusa used buriza do kyanon while attacking towers, the glyph activated indefinitely, however when medusa stopped attacking & let the creeps do the job the +99999 armour was no longer there. Lexmark 2300 Scanner Software more. ERRORS: 1) when -scmc enabled, the game crashed at the later period, 2) when -st enabled, the game crashed after medusa killed 4 AI heroes simultaneously with buriza do kyanon equipped.