Download How To Install Deb.tar.gz Software

But I don't know how to install it. How do I install this kind of file? How do I install a.tar.gz. Just download the.deb files from How to install tarball packages on a. For already packaged software (.deb packages) and install them then by hand dpkg -i./path/to/package.deb.
Unfortunately, this is not possible. A.tar.gz package is a compressed tarball that contains the files of the program. C:\program Files\google\chrome\application\chrome.exe.
Generally either in the online documentation, or in the tarball, there are instructions. Package managers cannot process these due to the inconsistency in how they're packaged.
The reason some software developers don't give.deb files is because they only work with dpkg (found on Debian-like systems), and thus they would also need to make packages for all other major package managers, thus massively increasing the time spent each time they push a new release.
This is how we do vmware-tools at my job. An installed version of Perl is needed. The compatibility layer for BSD version 6.x is needed # cd /usr/ports/misc/compat6x # make install clean Present the guest OS using vSphere ->Guest ->Install/Upgrade VMware Tools The presents a virtual cdrom to the guest OS. Mount the cdrom # mount /cdrom Mount the tools file from cdrom # cp /cdrom/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz /root uncompress them # gzip -d vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz untar them # tar -xvf vmware-freebsd-tools.tar move into the directory # cd vmware-tools-distrib execute the install script #./ answer a bunch of questions. The defualts setting are fine. Please remember to configure your network by adding.