
Drury Summerscape Program

Summerscape Wells Maine

To the point. Today passed by in a blur. Waking up to music that I can't understand, but still love, and cold, blatantly processed breakfast that I do understand and will never love. We had the end of Midnight Mayhem (Can I get a 'Finally!' In the house?) and of Dark Jungle's (Hoo ha ha! Take that, Desert Sand!) too-short time in the winning Quidditch brackets.

Summerscape, a summer program for gifted children who are currently enrolled in grades 6, 7 or 8 is held on the Drury University campus in Springfield, Missouri. Jul 13, 2008 In the year 2000, the Summerscape program at Drury University instituted a game unlike any other -- Midnight Madness. The setting -- a rebel leader from. Drury University PreCollege Programs, Springfield. This program was a sanctuary for my 'nerdlings'. Summerscape has a few residential spots. July 9th and 10th Summerscape campers got to experience several activities where they got to know fellow house group members as well as their RA's!

Amusing myself at those Quidditch games and applauding my decision to not play and instead be a creepy little spectator. Writing heartfelt notes to the citizens of Joplin. House group meetings.

Drury Summerscape Program

And terrible heat throughout the whole of it. Rar To Bin Converter. The kids also had a great time at our service project on Thursday, when we helped Kids Against Hunger pack over 15,000 meals for families in Africa. Despite it being hot, the campers were troopers and had a ton of fun. I think my favorite line of the night was when one of our sixth grade boys came up to me during evening free time and said, 'You know, at first I wasn't that excited but then I got really into it and didn't even notice the time passing! I just felt really good that we got to help people tonight.'

I'm not a sports person. And by 'I'm not a sports person,' I don't mean that I'm not that good, but I'll play if needed. I mean that I don't play sports. I tend to hurt the team rather than help them.

But, today against my will, I was forced to play Quidditch. Our seventh player couldn't play, so I had to step in. Despite complaining more than necessary, I actually had a lot of fun. The main goal is to catch the Snitch, which my team managed to do, but we still lost. In any event, it was really fun. In the morning session at 'Living the College Life,' we discussed the correct eating habits and how much of each food group we should eat.

We filled out charts that had fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and we had to keep the calories from 1600-2200. I learned that some fast food restaurants had much more or less calories than I expected. For example, Arby's has some of the highest calorie food. After the morning session, we went to lunch. We were all very excited because today was Bastille Day!

My class had to leave early from lunch because we were going to downtown Springfield to tour the YMCA and climb the rock wall. I tried to climb the 'medium' rock wall at first, but I didn't make it very far. However, I managed to climb to the top of the 'easy' rock wall! We had some time to kill after climbing the rock walls, so we decided to go into the gym and play basketball. After I destroyed everyone at Knock Out, we went back to Drury and signed up for stations.

My house, Frozen Tundra, played Quidditch today. Unfortunately, we were outmatched and lost the game. I was exhausted from running back and forth and almost fell asleep during dinner! After a hearty meal, we participated in Trivia Night in our house groups.