
Dubai Government Excellence Program English

DUBAI PLAN 2021 Dubai Plan 2021 describes the future of Dubai through holistic and complementary perspectives, starting with the people and the society who have always been, and always will be, the bedrock of the city. This aspect describes the characteristics that Dubai’s people need to have to deliver on the city’s aspirations in all areas, and examines the society needed to support and empower these individuals in achieving their goals. The plan addresses the urban environment including both natural and built assets, and looks at the living experience of the people of Dubai and its visitors as a result of their interaction with this environment and the economic and social services provided. In addition, the plan also focuses on the economy, which is the city’s development engine and its fuel for its march forward. Finally, the plan addresses the government as the custodian of the city development in all aspects. These perspectives were divided into 6 themes, each highlighting a group of strategic developmental aims for Dubai, and together forming the city’s vision for 2021.

• The People: “City of Happy, Creative & Empowered People” • The Society: “An Inclusive & Cohesive Society” • The Experience: “The Preferred Place to Live, Work & Visit” • The Place: “A Smart & Sustainable City” • The Economy: “A Pivotal Hub in the Global Economy” • The Government: “A Pioneering and Excellent Government”. THE PEOPLE “City of Happy, Creative & Empowered People” The people of Dubai are the main focus of Dubai Plan 2021. It is from this perspective that the plan addresses the traits and characteristics that must be reinforced and developed among the people of Dubai to ensure they are capable of driving the city forward into its future. Accordingly, the theme focuses on reinforcing the feeling of responsibility each individual must have towards themselves and their families and society in pursuing and promoting education and personal development, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to enable them to play an active, productive, and innovate role in all aspects of the society and economy. 1 Educated, Cultured and Healthy Individuals: Individuals who take care of their own wellbeing and that of their family through proactive measures to manage their health and enhance their skills and ability to contribute to the economy and society of Dubai building on their solid education and cultured upbringing.

2 Productive and Innovative in a Variety of Fields: Individuals who strive to succeed, are financially self-sufficient, and embody the mindset and disposition of entrepreneurs and responsible citizens. 3 Happy Individuals Proud of Their Culture: Individuals who are generally satisfied with their life in Dubai, confident about their future and proud of their cultural origins. 4 Are the Cornerstone for Dubai’s Development across all fields: Emiratis men and women playing an important role in the development of Dubai and filling critical roles across various sectors including social, economic, and urban. THE SOCIETY “An Inclusive & Cohesive Society” Dubai is unique in the diversity and cohesiveness of its society, which was forged on tolerance, respect, forgiveness and communication since Dubai’s inception, which resulted in the creation of an exemplary multicultural society. This theme focuses on continuing in Dubai’s tradition of celebrating diversity to enrich the city and drive its development by harnessing the talents and creativity of its global and diverse population.

Dubai Government Excellence Program

Dubai Government Excellence ProgramDubai Government Excellence Program Achieving sustainable results Ahmed Nuseirat Coordinator General Dubai Government Excellence. 1 Dubai Government Excellence Program Background: Independent Entity established in 1997 to act as a tool for developing and improving the government sector in Dubai.

The theme also addresses the importance of the family as the building unit that nurtures and empowers the individual, and also emphasizes the importance of social inclusion of all vulnerable groups in the society. 1 A Vibrant and Sustainable Multi-Cultural Society: A population that is economically and demographically sustainable and for which multiculturalism is a source of strength and pride. 2 A Tolerant and Inclusive Society Embracing the Civic Values of Dubai: A society in which people are treated equally and fairly and share a set of core civic values including tolerance, and personal responsibility.

Games For My Nokia C2-00 on this page. 3 Cohesive Families and Communities Forming the Bedrock of Society: Families and communities that provide nurturing environments for personal development, including the raising of children inculcated with core values of personal responsibility, creativity and tolerance. 1 Proportion of individuals who are satisfied with the cultural diversity in Dubai 2 Proportion of people who believe that people with disabilities are well-catered to in Dubai society 3 Proportion of individuals who believe that Dubai is an appropriate place to raise a family 4 Proportion of individuals who consider Dubai a suitable place to live for expatriates of different nationalities 5 Fertility Rate of Emiratis 6 Annual population growth rate 7 Proportion of individuals who feel that they have friends or relatives they can rely on to help them when needed.