
Feg P9r Serial Numbers

Feg P9r Serial Number Dates

Let's face it, I'm old school. And while 'all those new polymer guns' are super functional, they tend to leave me a bit cold.

I've liked metal and wood for more than a few decades. So, for better or worse, I just bought an old FEG P9R for not too much. From my limited understanding, the P9R is a Hungarian knock-off of the Hi Power - it looks like one anyway. Model Builder Program.

Feb 06, 2011 FEG Hi Power Information Site. But the serial number. The serial number consisting of a letter followed by five digits is indeed a classic FEG serial number. Manowar's Hungarian Weapons FegArmy FEG Pistols. 5-digit serial numbers with an 'R' prefix. The P9R was marketed under different names. Commodity Sauda Software. Weekend Photos: Police Surplus FEG.

Beyond that, I don't know much else about it. I'll certainly want a qualified smith to look it over and give it a clean bill of health before it goes into rotation as a shooter, so recommendations would be good. Washington County preferable, thanks in advance. Additionally, I want to learn everything I can about the pistol/parts/mods/mags/history, etc. Let's weigh in here guys!

Congratulations, the FEG is a pretty good pistol. AFIK parts are interchangeable all the way around. There was a website named 'Handguns and High Powers' (or vice-versa) once upon a time although I'm not certain if it still exists. It's an outstanding resource if it's still around. Camp has written extensively about the High Power and is my go-to for accurate information. He passed a few years back and is missed. I don't know where you're at knowledge-wise on High Powers in general, but Camps' book 'The Shooters Guide to the High Power' should be required reading for every H.P.