Flysurfer Psycho 2 Manual

Every few months a new version of a kite comes along which is claimed, by those who are looking to sell it to us, to be better than the one before. I don’t doubt that each tweak of the profile and each fettle of the bridle makes getting upwind a shade easier and jumps a bit higher and a bit longer, but these days the majority of developments are simply not that noticeable to the average kite monkey.
A Flysurfer Psycho 4 Kite Kiteboarding flysurfer psycho 4 Depower Kite Surf flysurf psycho4 Kiteboard Safety Gear. Download Product / Instruction Manual. Every few months a new version of a kite comes along which is claimed, by those who are looking to sell it to us, to be better than the one before.
Flysurfer Psycho 2 13m2 in very good condition (included kite + bar + lines) in last years I didnt used so I want to sell it. Flysurfer PSYCHO 2. POSTED: Aug 12. The PSYCHO2 from Flysurfer will not only make you sit up and take notice, it will have you begging to have a go.
So when something comes along that makes you sit up and notice it’s quite an achievement. The PSYCHO2 from Flysurfer will not only make you sit up and take notice, it will have you begging to have a go. For sometime now I’ve been visiting the Flysurfer website with the regularity of an atomic clock. Gta Sanadreas Game. The news that Flysurfer have recently released the PSYCHO2 has had me thinking. Improved in every department, a kite that does everything, a kite with a huge wind range, a kite for both land and water. I need to try some of these. A gloomy Monday in July and its raining So here I am again, sat in the office, watching the rain against the window, wondering if it will be windy and sunny at the weekend.
An email comes in informing me that there is a “large box” waiting for me in the reception area. The box contains two kites, the PSYCHO2 10m and the 13m from Armin at Flysurfer. I have these kites for one month of testing, to do with as I see fit. This is going to be fun!! An email asking to two days holiday to pad out forth coming weekend is quickly sent.
Alienware Alienfx Themes. A four day weekend, that should be about right. Five minutes of anguish later, holiday request approved. Cosmic Ordering Jonathan Cainer Pdf on this page. The rain suddenly stops, the sun breaks through the grey clouds and the guy at the desk next to me is wondering why I’m grinning on a Monday morning. I’ve tried pretty much every kite related activity there is. In the buggy I use a set of race kites. On the mountain board I use Blades (although recently been looking at getting Frenzy’s) and out on the water North LEIs.
My kite bag is therefore somewhat larger than most. From the gossip on the web forums, I hear that I can use the full potential of the PSYCHO2’s on both land and water, but how do they stand up to real world use?
Here is the first real chance to cut the number of kites I carry by at least half, if not more. Can they really replace both land and water kites?? Lets find out Background The development goal for the original PSYCHOs was to build a high performance kite for the experienced kiter. After several prototypes, it was soon clear to Flysurfer that if they want to be better than the other products on the market, then they need a kite with an optimally projected surface. They came to the conclusion that, nothing will be better than a double-skin kite. In other words, a foil.