Ford Tractor Serial Number C5nn
FORD CODES and SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION CODES, SERIAL & MODEL NUMBERS Right Hand Side NEWER TRACTORS ('65 TO '75) MODEL NUMBERING Model ID Previous...Newer '65 to 3-'68..4-'68 to 1975 2---------2000--------B 3---------3000--------C 4----------4000--------D 5----------5000--------E Chassis Type 10 - Agricultural All Purpose 11 - L.C.G. 12 - Highway 13 - Rice 20 - Row Crop 30 - Vineyard 31 - Narrow 40 - Utility 50 - Industrial Fuel Type 1 - Diesel 2 - Gas 3 - L.P. Brian Laptop Drivers. PTO 1 - No PTO 2 - Trans 540 3 - Live 540 4 - Independent 540 5 - Independent 540-1000 6 - Independent 540/1000 GD Tramission Type A - 4 speed C - 8 speed E - Select-O-Speed F - 4/4 T-C Power Reversing K - 6/4 Manual Reversing Click on round picture to see an example on a Ford 3000 tractor. Change your Printer setup to Landscape then Ctrl-P to print this page.
PRODUCTION CODES Year 1965 - 5 1966 - 6 1967 - 7 1968 - 8 1969 - 9 1970 - 0 1971 - 1 1972 - 2 1973 - 3 1974 - 4 Month JAN - A FEB - B MAR - C APR - D MAY - E JUNE - F JULY - G AUG - H SEPT - J OCT - K NOV - L DEC - M Day Numerical Date 1 through 31 Shift Midnight - A Day - B Afternoon - C Close this Window To Return To Oaktree Tractor Page.

Tractor ym1700, NH7610S, Ford 8N, 2N, NAA, 660, 850 x2, 541. Ford tractor identification help!! ( english ) serial number. The numbers are: C5NN-7006 AB. The 101002 is the tractor serial number. Ford 4000 serial number year in reply to Mark Gundrum.
I have in what I beleive and was told at the time of purchase that the tractor i was purchasing was a 3000 model, I have no reason not to believe the man I purchased the tractor from. Now I am wanting to purchase some parts for it and want to make sure I am getting the parts that I need. Dbf Manager 2.58.284 Serial. The number on the transmission is: C5NN-402-D Number on Engine block is: C5NN 6015 T1 Head has number: G 3000 00 Firing order is 1-2-3 Has a Lucas Generator - 12 Volt Rearend Housing Right side #-C5NN-402-D Top Hat Cover has a number - C5NN-501-F I know it is a 158 cid engine and it has only 4 forward gears. Doesn't have a live PTO. It has a Holley Carb. At the present time, going to swap with Zenith as soon as I find out what I'm actually ordering for. I do not have a New Holland dealership close enuff to me or I woulda drove there myself.