
My Video Hook Driver 2

My Video Hook Driver 2My Video Hook Driver 2

Latest download for Mv Video Hook Driver2. Improve your pc peformance with this new update. Mirage Driver for TightVNC. Using the DFMirage video hook driver solves the problem of reliably and efficiently detecting modified areas on the screen.

I'm working on an InstallAnywhere wrapper for our custom version of UltraVNC. Most of it is working ok, but I'm running into some problems with the installation and uninstallation of the video hook driver. I've downloaded UltraVnc_driver_setup.exe, and I'm currently installing the drivers by running that executable with the /verysilent switch. That does appear to be working: the screen flickers as expected and my Device Manager tells me I've got the hook driver installed and working properly. However, I have two concerns: 1. It's always installing to C: Program Files Ultravnc and I'd prefer that it install where the rest of the files are going (which is determined by the user during the installation).

Is there a switch available or something that I could use to change that? When I right-click on my server and pull up the Properties dialog, I've got Video Hook driver checked, but when I click on 'Check the Video Hook Driver,' I get a dialog saying '1.00.21 driver Not Active.' As I said, Device Manager tells me the drivers are working, so I'm not sure if the message is wrong or if VNC isn't using the drivers for some reason or what. Any suggestions? The Wholly Family Games here. The Santangeli Marriage Sara Craven on this page. The uninstall is working, but not very well. When the user uninstalls the server, I call to C: Program Files UltraVnc unins000.exe, which does uninstall the drivers but pulls up two dialog boxes along the way, the first asking for a confirmation that the user wants to uninstall UltraVNC and all its components (which would be confusing for my users since as far as they're concerned, they're uninstalling our custom server, not VNC itself) and the second requiring a Windows reboot.

I understand that the Windows reboot is required, but I want to handle that at the end of my uninstall procedure, not in the middle. Coffeecup Html Editor. I tried to use a /verysilent switch with this executable to suppress those dialogs, but as far as I could tell, it had no effect. Also, by the way, I tried calling the batch files in the directory (uninstall_silent.bat) but those didn't apparently work at all -- perhaps because the code is in a different directory from the rest of the server code? Anyway, what I'd prefer is to just unintall the drivers silently as part of my larger uninstall routine and then ask the user to restart Windows at the end. Is that possible? Thanks for any assistance.