Schmeisser Airsoft Guns
Schmeisser MP40 AEG - Take the battlefield with the Schmeisser MP40 AEG. This classic machine gun is an exact 1:1 scale replica of its real firearm counterpart, the.

The Cybergun Schmeisser MP40 is a replica of the German Wehrmacht Schmeisser machine pistol that was regarded as one of the best submachine guns ever designed. This famous WWII German SMG. Kako Da Otvorim Djvu Fajl. The MP40 is made entirely from stamped sheet metal just like the real version. The folding metal stock is quite heavy, and is actuated by a large button at the rear of the receiver.
Most of the internal hardware is constructed from metal, including the nozzle and cylinder - which is a departure from the plastic bellows-type cylinders found on other AEG's. Very authentic look and feel. If you're looking for an authentic WW-II classic then the TOP Maschinenpistole 40 Schmeisser is just about as perfect a replica as you can own.
Specifications: Battery and Charger are included Metal Gear Box Metal Magazine Adjustable Spin-up system Magazine capacity: 55 rounds Folding metal stock Threaded for silencer Full metal construction with Historically accurate simulated Bakelite grips Full metal gear box with reinforced steel gears and metal bushings Speed loader Works best with 0.20g BBs or heavier Weight: 7lbs 4oz - Length: 24' Shooting Mode: Full/Semi Auto Comes with orange tips to comply with federal law. We chronograhed this rifle at a very consistent 280 fps w/.25g BBs 320 fps w/.20g BBs and 390 fps w/.12g BBs. Please only use.20 and 0.25 gram high quality BBs with MP40 to keep it in working conditions.
Take the battlefield with the Schmeisser MP40 AEG. This classic machine gun is an exact 1:1 scale replica of its real firearm counterpart, the fearsome German Wehrmacht Schmeisser machine pistol. The gun features a folding metal stock, a 55 Rd magazine, and a shot velocity of 320 fps (using.20g BBs). The Schmeisser MP40 AEG is made with sheet metal just like the original firearm. This gun is incredibly authentic in look and feel, and may be the best airsoft replica on the market today. Airsoft enthusiasts, own your enemies and order today! Battery and Charger Included.
Features: • Semi/Fully Automatic Firing • Adjustable Hop-up System • Metal Gear Box • Metal Magazine • Threaded for Silencer • Speed Loader Velocities Tested by our Tech Department: 280 fps w/.25g BBs, 320 fps w/.20g BBs, and 390 fps w/.12g BBs. For use with high quality.20 and.25g BBs. 4.0 2 ratings Things I liked: Always loved the look of the MP40. This model fills the bill in that area and the rate of fire is faster than the Thompson. No feed problems, accuracy is what is expected.
Things I would have changed: An easier way to get to the battery inside the receiver's back-end. Maybe Velcro the battery pack into the receiver-end housing for a semi-permanent battery compartment, then add-on an exterior plug-in for the charger to plug into so you don't have to break the gun in half each time you need to re-charge. What others should know: The weapon seems flimsy when you handle it because you must disconnect the receiver from the lower frame to get to the battery pack. But all in all. Get ready to have some fun!