Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game Show Template

Title: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 1 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? • First broadcast 4th September 1998 2 Success! • Millionaire was immediately successful.
Towards the end of the first series, it had more than 18 million viewers. It even beat some editions of Coronation Street, which usually gets some of the highest ratings. • It was voted the nation's favourite game show in a 2008 survey for Churchill Insurance. 3 The format (1) • At the beginning of each show, the host introduces a group of ten ordinary people the contestants - giving their names and where they are from. • The first round is called 'Fastest Finger First', where the contestants are all given a question and four answers, and they put those four answers into the correct order. The contestant who does this in the fastest time goes on to sit in the hot-seat and play for the prize. • The contestant is asked increasingly difficult general knowledge questions.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire.ppt. Screenshots from RusnakCreative.com exclusive games: The BEST ever FREE game show templates. Free PowerPoint Game Templates. Browse and Read Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game Show Template Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game Show Template It sounds good when knowing the who wants to be a. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: This easy-to-use PowerPoint template plays just like the popular TV game show, 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' It's a great.
Questions are multiple choice four answers are given and the contestant must choose the correct one. 4 The format (2) • The contestant can opt for a lifeline at any point, using each lifeline only once. These are the 50/50, the Phone a Friend and the Ask the Audience. • The questions are played for increasingly large sums (more or less doubling at each turn). • The game ends when the contestant answers a question incorrectly, decides not to answer a question, or answers all twelve questions correctly, and wins the top prize of 1 million. 5 A new idea? • The format for Millionaire is based on The 64,000 Dollar Question, an American TV quiz show where the money doubled at each question. Snitch Plus Keygen more.
• The 64,000 Dollar Question was based on an Amercian radio show called Take It or Leave It, which had the prize of just 64. It transferred to TV in 1955 and became The 64,000 Question. 6 The Set • The show is filmed in front of a studio audience who are arranged in circular tiers around a pit in which the action takes place. • The set is in the round, which increases the tension the contestant is fully exposed on all sides! • The spotlights zoom down on the contestant after each major question answered, increasing the tension.
• The feel of the set is quite high-tech, and the blue colour scheme reflects this. It is futuristic and technological, rather than friendly and homely.
• Again, this focuses attention on the contestant, making them seem more isolated and under pressure. 7 Building the drama • The host uses dramatic pauses before he says whether or not the answer is correct. Treiber Ethernet Controller Acer Aspire One Zg5.
The pauses become longer and more tense the higher the amount of money the contestant is aiming to win. • Occasionally, if it is time to go for a commercial break, the host will take the final answer but not announce if it is right until after the break, which prolongs the tension. 8 Increasing the tension • Each contestant brings along a friend, partner or relative who sits in the audience. If the contestant moves into the hot-seat, the camera will cut to the friend looking pleased, excited, nervous etc.