Bernese Gps Software V 5.0
The new Version 5.0 of the Bernese GPS Software, released in April 2004, offers a variety of new features [HUGENTOBLER et al., 2005a]. Download Appointment Booking Pro. Apart from general improve. Aiub - Bernese GPS. Bernese GPS Software Version 5.0 Edited by Rolf Dach, Urs Hugentobler, Pierre Fridez, Michael Meindl January 2007 AIUB Astronomical Institute. Spk Auto Da Fe Rapidshare. More Bernese Gps Software V 5.0 images.

• 142 Downloads • Abstract GNSS antenna electrical phase center variability is a source of errors in precise geodetic measurements, particularly in reference frame maintenance, satellite precise levelling, deformation monitoring, the establishment of geodetic control networks, geodynamic research, etc. It has a considerable influence on the precision and accuracy of the resulting coordinates. Previous research shows that changing the antenna on the monitored point often results in a considerable bias in the derived height coordinate component. In theory, if electrical phase center is sufficiently modeled, antenna changes should have negligible effect on coordinates. We present the analysis of the influence of the GPS antenna models on the resulting marker position. Numerical tests are based on field measurements.
The GPS data collected at the test baseline were processed using Bernese GPS Software Version 5.0. The research shows that the IGS and NGS phase center variation models for some types of the surveying (rover) antennas are still imperfect and are contaminated by constant errors, which may exceed even ± 5 mm for horizontal coordinates components and ± 25 mm for vertical ones.
Bernese GPS Software Flexible post processing of GNSS reference stations The Bernese GPS Software is a high performance, high accuracy, and highly flexible software package for post processing of GNSS (GPS/GLONASS) observations. State of the art modeling, detailed control over all relevant processing options, performant automatization tools, the adherence to up-to-date internationally adopted standards, and the inherent flexibility due to a highly modular design are characteristics of the Bernese GPS Software.