
Program Bijak Belanja Mendaki

Module Target (Parents) Session Workshop Component My Child from Birth to 3 years 0 to 3 years 2 sessions of 3 hours Session 1 (3 hours) - Setting the Environment for a Strong Foundation (develops trust, self-confidence and resilience among children) Through role play, hands-on activities and group discussions, parents will explore ways to lay a strong foundation. Session 2 (3 hours) - Providing a Positive Learning Environment Explore the different ways to set routines, limits and Boundaries and deal with power struggles based on the typical daily settings. Understanding my Pre-School Child 4 to 6 years 2 sessions of 3 hours Session 1 (3 hours) - Ready for School and Beyond Create awareness on the importance of play in the development of language and mathematical skills as well as social and critical thinking which is critical for formal education. This is also to unlock potential in young children. Session 2 (3 hours) - Balancing Indulgence and Disciplining with Love Instill positive parent-child relationship and provide tips and strategies to avoid over indulgence and ways to discipline with love. Module Target (Parents) Session Workshop Component Financial Literacy for Young Parents (I) 0 to 3 years 1 session of 3 hours Provide parents with information on matters relating to financials especially the information on national initiatives such as the utilisation of Baby Bonus and CDA Accounts as well as Subsidies for Working Mothers and other forms of initiatives. Financial Literacy for Young Parents (II) 4 to 6 years 1 session of 3 hours Provide parents with information on matters relating to budgeting and getting children ready for school.

Program Bijak Belanja Mendaki

IslamicEvents.SG is YOUR one-stop portal for Islamic events, religious knowledge classes and courses, Halal Food and Musollah locations all around Singapore. Construye Tu Propio Auto Electrico Pdf more. We are looking for volunteers who will be our ECC. Volunteers will be working with MENDAKI’s School Ready Programme, to connect and engage with families with.