
Spelljammer Ship Recognition Manual

Spelljammer ship recognition manual war captain's, spelljammer ship recognition manual war captain's companion: book 2 (advanced dungeons and dragons 2nd edition). .Ship's rating: As for spelljammer • Ship's rating: As. Documents Similar To Spelljammer - Pirates of Realmspace - Manual - PC. Skip carousel.

By I recall a discussion on the stupidity of the designs of these vessels a while back on [the ]. Recently, I've had the opportunity to try out both of the Drow vessels as listed in the Ship Recognition Manual (SRM) in an actual ship-to-ship engagement involving 2 Jade Spiders, 1 Jade Commandship, versus a modified Hammership and a Gnomish sidewheeler. I concur with the original comment that the ships were essentially flying treasure troves waiting for plunder by PCs—and indefensible. In fact, if they fail in their attempts to bore into another SJ vessel, they are essentially 'sitting ducks' for any counterattacks, as was the case in this battle. Gp Untis Crack School here.

Mantis, Scro

The PCs were able to capture one of the smaller Drow vessels intact and noting its weaknesses, added a few external weapons as 'enhancements' so they would not suffer the same fate! (The gnomes took possession of the large Command ship, and planned to use it for 'spare parts'.) Several of PC's modifications were excellent ideas. I had already added the web device before the battle—and also removed the bit about the outside being 'covered in precious gems'—gesh! My proposed modifications are. Jade Spider This is the basic 40' vessel. • I eliminated the crazy idea that they are constructed from gems!

Armada, Elven

Instead, the material used is akin to the grown material used by the IEN—but a bit harder (more like a metal than ceramic). There are Adamantite reinforcements at the critical areas like the Drill support, around the Bridge, and at the Leg attachment points. • I tried out the idea of an open area in the Abdomen for the smaller Jade Spider ships, and found it unworkable (its only a 20' dia area!). Instead, I copied the rough floorplan from a Neogi mindspider (which is essentially the same size). • The SRM doesn't really explain how the jade spider golem-probes are carried. I figured that the outside shell is covered in a sticky web-like material and the beasts walk around outside.

This provides a significant deterent to PCs simple hacking away on the outside of the vessel! • At the top of the Abdomen, I added a turret with a medium ballista.

This is accessed by a hatch in the floor which lines up with the ladder that extends up through the center of the abdomen inside. It can be bolted from the inside, in case intruders manage to gain control outside.

Igo Speedcam Usa Chart. The addition of the ballista turret at least gives the craft a range weapon—plus it can be used like a lookout! • The back of the craft has a spiky-looking thing that the SRM ignores.

However, I reason that this could be as web projector (like on real spiders). I added this feature to the vessel—which is similar to a jettison in function, but instead casts the equivalent of a Web spell (standard dimensions) which can be used to subdue an opponent ship—especially its heavy weapons! This is neat, since it corresponds to how real spiders like to attack/immobilize their prey before 'going in for the kill'. Jade Commandship This is the 240' vessel. Most of the enhancements in the basic 40' vessel are repeated, only on a larger scale: • The interior deck plan is as described in the SRM, except near the head, which has three decks. The back/abdomen has two 'ups' such that buildings extend into the space from both the floor and ceiling.