Thick Description Clifford Geertz Pdf

Geertz: Thick Description Cultural Landscapes Bibliography Geertz, Clifford. 'Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture.' In The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books, 1973. In his first chapter in The Interpretation of Cultures, Clifford Geertz discusses the role of the ethnographer.
B-side The Back Horn Rar. Broadly, the ethnographer's aim is to observe, record, and analyze a culture. More specifically, he or she must interpret signs to gain their meaning within the culture itself.
A Critical Review of Clifford Geertz’s Local Knowledge. Clifford Geertz’s book. Or “thick description.”. Clifford Geertz Basic Books, Inc. 4 Chapter 11 Thick Description. Manual De Utilizare Cuptor Incorporabil Hansa here. THE INTERPRETATION OF CULTURES. THE INTERPRETATION OF CULTURES. THE INTERPRETATION OF.
This interpretation must be based on the 'thick description' of a sign in order to see all the possible meanings. His example of a 'wink of any eye' clarifies this point. When a man winks, is he merely 'rapidly contracting his right eyelid' or is he 'practicing a burlesque of a friend faking a wink to deceive a an innocent into thinking conspiracy is in motion'? Ultimately, Geertz hopes that the ethnographer's deeper understanding of the signs will open and/or increase the dialogue among different cultures.